Which animals are most dangerous, the mosquitoes or the tigers? What causes mosquito biting? Are there preferences? Are all of the dangerous? Which exist in the greek area? What is the West Nile virus? Which other viruses are transmitted by mosquitoes? What are there limitations in the usage of chemical insecticides? Which are the efforts of the scientific community? All the answers of the questions above will be revealed in the science coffee talk “The eye of the tiger”.
A young scientist from the Department of Biochemistry & Biotechnology of the University of Thessaly is coming to the ThSF to answer these and other questions that you certainly had at some point in your life, and also some that…you’ve never thought about. Come to the Café Scientifique at Thessaly Science Festival, on Saturday October 13th at 18.00, to find out all you ever wanted to know about mosquitoes, these flying
Alexandros Belavilas-Trovas is a PhD candidate in the Dept of Biochemistry & Biotechnology, University of Thessaly. His research interests include the biology of mosquitoes, arboviruses and mosquito-borne diseases. He is a member of the infrastructure for synthetic biology OMIC-ENGINE and recently he gained a full scholarship from the state scholarships foundation. Previously, he carried out research on malaria diagnostics in the Barcelona Institute for Global Health and against agricultural insect pests in the Univ. of Thessaly. While not at work, he spends his time enjoying the melodies of Bauhaus and the surrealistic stories of Kostakis Anan while trying to convince his grandma who lives in Samos, that the immigrants there are not the cause of her problems.
Title: The eye of the tiger || October 13th, 18.00 || Venue: Galileo ||Café Scientifique